Labour Guarantee
- Maximize the returns on your business savings through Labour guarantees through Mint
- We help you enhance your earnings by getting your deposits to work hard for you, all within the framework of a convenient, no-fuss service.
- Mint offer labor guarantee in partnership with the partner bank.
- Benefits of booking guarantee with Mint:
- Book your guarantee with only 50% of the guarantee amount Enjoy absolutely free WPS services
- when you place a labor guarantee deposit through Mint
- Complementary permanent accidental insurance up to AED 35,000
- Convenience of automatic renewal of your guarantee
- Superior service through a dedicated relationship manager
- Easy access with our 24 hours contact center
- Lock-in period till the visa validity
تأمینات مختلفة بأسعار مخفضة بالتعاون مع شركات تأمین رائدة مثل::
- Group Medical
- Group Life Product
- Motor Insurance
- Works men compensation
- Property All risk
- Fire
- Machinery breakdown
- Plant and equipment
- Marine cargo and hull
- Public liability
- Money Insurance
- Fidelity Guarantee
- Group Personal Accident Insurance
- Credit Insurance
- Professional Indemnity Insurance
- Travel Product Insurance
- Business Interruption Insurance
- Keyman Insurance Product
- Contractors All Risk Insurance
- Contractors/ Erection Plant & Machinery Insurance

صرف تذاكر الطیران فلاي مینت
احصل الآن على تذاكر طیران بسعر أرخص لموظفیك من خلال مینت لمساعدة الكثیر من الھنود المغتربین محدودي أو متوسطي الدخل في دولة الإمارات.
توفر مینت خدمة القیمة المضافة لملف أرباب العمل الحالي الخاص بھا و ذلك بعرض تذاكر طیرات بأسعار منخفضة للموظفین من فئة العمال. تشمل ھذه التذاكر السفر فقط ولا تشمل الطعام والترفیھ.
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